Every browser needs an add-ons feature
10 Jun 2010 11:00 | 0 comments (+16)
I know several people that have only switched to Google Chrome because it supports the same extensions that Firefox supported. People are deserting Firefox and moving to the new,...
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Giving a file a custom icon on Ubuntu 10.04
10 Jun 2010 00:58 | 0 comments
Looking at the properties for the file STE.jar left me confused - changing a file's icon was a simple task on Windows, surely Ubuntu (Linux) would support the same functionality? Yet I...
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What motivates us?
27 May 2010 23:23 | 0 comments (+2)
The surprising truth! I found myself captivated by this, and watched it right through with the sound muted. Then I later discovered there's a talk that goes with it! :)
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Wikidot Extender for Google Chrome (2010.5.21)
21 May 2010 04:47 | 0 comments (+6)
I've updated my Wikidot Extender, which is an extension for users of the Google Chrome browser. If you already have it installed then you don't need to do anything it should...
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12 May 2010 23:11 | 0 comments (+19)
Portal is FREE! And take it from me (who bought this game a few years ago), that it's worth the purchase, even if FREE is a little too much for your budget. Portal is a single-player...
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Counter Strike: Source massive update!
12 May 2010 01:35 | 0 comments
This game is a gem. It was created years ago and it's been a long time since anything but bug fixes have been released. Now Valve, in collaboration with Hidden Path Studios, have...
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Why are the Wikidot developers so slow to reply?
11 May 2010 04:01 | 0 comments (+8)
Probably because they're sleeping! Have you ever wondered what time it is over in Wikidot-land, used Google to find out, then been disappointed because it's 1 AM over there and you're...
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Creating a simple blog at Wikidot.com
08 May 2010 04:26 | 3 comments (+3)
Whoever said making a blog was hard? ;-) Step 1: Create an account Most readers will have already completed this step. If you haven't, scroll to the top of this page and click on ...
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