Well, this is something that I haven't done for quite a while. 585 days (and counting), in fact.
Blogging is something that is difficult to continue. You need inspiration, you need time to put that inspiration into words, and you need the courage to push that publish button and put a bit more of yourself out there - online, for people to judge. Because that's what we, imperfect as we are, tend to do - we judge others based on what we see.
Despite all that, when you start posting articles, you start to see the benefits flow in. I recently re-discovered an old site-specific blog that I had been writing years ago, almost on a daily basis, with updates on changes that were being made to the site.
This was a site that I built when I was first learning about Wikidot. When I was discovering new features every day, and was excited to implement them in new and exciting ways, I would post updates to my wiki's users to let them know what had changed. It was an interesting read.
I'm not sure what I will do with this blog — it might remain the same, it might receive a facelift in the form of a new theme, or it might be completely rebuilt.
Either way, I'd like to leave you with one thing: If you've considered making a blog in the past but haven't quite done it yet, do it now. Do it now, and don't look back.
In a few years you'll appreciate the time you took to write down your thoughts and your inspiration.
You might even find that others will appreciate it too.
28 Dec 2016 14:17
Welcome back on Wikidot Shane!
Fine to see your writing and changing on the community and on your own sites!
Best wishes and Good Luck for 2017!
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28 Dec 2016 14:22
Thanks Helmut. I wish you well also for the new year.
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Joshua DarbyAnonymousJoshua Darby
01 Jan 2017 11:18
If your old blog is still up what would the link be?
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01 Jan 2017 23:56
Hi Joshua, it's still up but I don't have the link on me at the moment.
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Joshua DarbyAnonymousJoshua Darby
09 Jan 2017 23:29
That's ok. I was just wondering, that's all.
While I'm here is there a way to to convert a .py file to an .exe file without downloading and installing anything on my computer?
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10 Jan 2017 00:42
PY is a Python script. You would need to either run it in the console or download a wrapper of some kind to make it a standard Windows executable.
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Joshua DarbyAnonymousJoshua Darby
10 Jan 2017 19:47
Yea I know. It was just shorter typing it that way. I was wondering how to make it executable without having to download anything on my computer to convert them. I want to make them into a program that way my friends don't have to have Python 2.7 installed on their computers.
Here is the code that I developed attached below.
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