As you may have noticed by the lack of blog posts, I've been a bit busy lately. There are a variety of reasons for this, and I'm not going to go into them here. Some of those reasons are good enough for a separate blog post.
However, as a result of my neglect, my e-mail inbox has filled up.
And by "filled up", I mean "tens of thousands" of unread emails, as evidenced by this screenshot:

That's right, even Gmail can't be bothered counting the exact number, and only gives me a rough estimate!
Back I go, trying to sort through them all… most of them are Wikidot notification e-mails.
Wow! I thought I got a lot of notifications! I think I currently have about 8566 emails in my GMail box. How many of yours are unread? Did you notice when you lost the exact count?
Community Admin
@Ed: Shane was referring to his unread emails. The "tens of thousands" is for the search term is:unread - unread emails :D
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
I was about to post a comment when I noticed that I wasn't signed in. What do I see after signing in? A comment from tsangk saying exactly what I was going to post! :)
I have "tens of thousands" of unread e-mails, according to Gmail - probably 5000 of which I've received in the last month alone, as I've started subscribing to a few extra sites lately.
RoaringApps is one of those newer sites that I've signed up to, and that one alone has sent me a ton of messages this past week. Working backwards from the most recent first, I see mostly notifications from there. It's starting to get very popular ;-) Kudos to the creator: bcammo.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I missed the "is:unread" tidbit (in 2 places) when I first looked at the image. I had just gotten home from working an all-nighter and was a bit tired.
Having that many unread email messages would be overwhelming for me and would drive me crazy!
Community Admin
I guess Google decided it had better things for its servers to be doing other than counting all of your emails.
Yep, I count ~750 email notifications (excluding my own) in the past six days, and wikidot says there have been 1303 changes in the past week - it has been great for me, even if a little overwhelming for your email inbox :)
BMC Creative | RoaringApps | @brycecammo
I never check that "What's Hot" page, so even if one of my own sites made it into there I probably wouldn't notice.
An idea for a small Wikidot app: automatically pull data from that page every 12-24 hours, and store it in a database. Then allow users to see trends over time, how long a particular site was in the listing for, etc.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I am about to create a filter in Gmail for all e-mails with "[]" in the subject line - of which there are currently 5000 conversations (read and unread)!
I think I'll tell the filter to automatically archive these as well… rather than simply adding a label. That way I can ignore them… for a while :)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
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