Wiktionary defines the term 'reinvigorate' as "[giving] new life, energy or strength to someone or something" - and that is what the focus of today's CSS theme change has been all about.
I would like to focus on the following:
- Improving the quality of my blog posts
- Sharing as many tips and tricks for using Wikidot as I can!
From time to time this blog may touch on other topics - be it the latest gadget, a new video game, or something completely random. However the main focus will be on improving Wikidot, on finding those obscure but useful features that not many people know about.
This blog has evolved a lot since I first created it, and I'm sure it will continue to change as time goes on. It will be interesting to look back in a year's time and to see what I have written here. It will be interesting to see what new features we have to play around with in the sandbox that is Wikidot.
For those that are interested, I am now using a slightly modified version of the Pink Flower theme by bcammo. More of his themes can be found at themes.wikidot.com — and they are all top quality!
What do you think … about this blog, about bcammo's themes, and about Wikidot in general?
Nice, nice and nice! Love the theme! Dunno why, but it looks good. ;)
I als like the idea of the picture too. Gives us a face that we can associate "leiger" with. I'd put a photo of myself up on my blog too, but I'm just too damn ugly. 'd scare everyone away from reading… :P
Creator of: Mario And Luigi Entertainment | Fingerz - me, myself and I
Proud member of: CycloDS Revolution | Pokémon HG/SS | Saves
I know, never thought I'd use a theme with "Pink" in the name - but it actually looks pretty good. Probably has something to do with it being so close to one of my favourite colours - red.
If you want to use the theme yourself, I've posted the link in the main blog post. I added a few minor things but for the most part it is unchanged from the original.
As for the photo, it's something I think it best I try. If I want to improve the quality of this blog and to make it seem more professional, I need a face up there rather than the brown bird icon I'm usually known by. I'm the type of person that usually doesn't like posting photos for the whole world to see, so this is something new for me.
I'm glad you like the improvements!
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I have started posting a lot lately. If anyone feels that I am spamming their e-mail inbox with watching notifications (or your RSS feed reader), please let me know and I'll attempt to calm down on the frequency of blog posts ;-)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
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